Anyway, this week
we got to participate in something super cool. We had an open house in Capiata and I got to teach people the basics of what we teach and share
with the people. It was fun! I also went on divisions with the sisters
that are in my old area, and went to see some of my old investigators
and families I was teaching. It was awesome to see the chapel so full of
We also had interviews with President this week,
it was nice, I'm not sure why, I just like talking to my church leaders. I always enjoy talking to my Bishop too. It's probably the Spirit haha. Anyway, it was a good interview, and at the end he always gives us
something to eat. This time it was banana bread with cinnamon and
walnuts. It was chuchi (fancy) and very tasty.
My time is disappearing from under my nose! So I wont be able to tell you anymore, but I hope you all have a wonderful week! and I'll talk to you next Monday!